Updates for year 2024

Updates for year 2024

Dear Valued Customers,

At MeowSold.com, we are dedicated to maintaining a fun and entertaining platform for your enjoyment. Over the past two years, we have faced a significant surge in prices for liquidated goods, leading us to introduce consignments as a means to sustain our services. Additionally, our credit card processor no longer refunds the processing fees charged through our platform.

To ensure that consignment auctions remain affordable for you while allowing us to sustain a profitable business, we will be implementing a 12.5% auction fee.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support as we navigate these challenges together. Your participation in our auctions adds vibrancy to our platform, and we are committed to providing you with exciting and accessible opportunities.

Thank you for being a valued member of the MeowSold.com community.


Bill Magura

Operations Director


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