Do you spend long hours in front of the computer? Do you carry tension in your back, neck, and shoulders? Indulge in a therapeutic massage without going to the spa. The Sharper Image Realtouch massager uses revolutionary massage nodes that grip and knead like real hands. Stop using the rotating nodes that just roll on the surface of your skin and opt for a massager that really makes a difference in your tightness and tension. The Realtouch from Sharper Image helps you relax and keep tension and stress at bay. It's wireless and rechargeable, so you can use it without a tangled cord or needing to replace batteries. The Realtouch can be used to target sore feet, calves, thighs, lumbar/lower back, and more. The rotating nodes grip your tired muscles and tight knots, giving optimum pressure to loosen your body


  • Soothing heat

    Add a soothing warmth to your massage with the optional heat mode. This advanced function transfers heat to your muscles, helping to release tension and relieve tightness.

  • Built-in arm straps

    Adjust the pressure and intensity with the built-in arm straps. Dig deeper into knots and sore pain points by pulling on the straps. You can even loop the massager around your feet and pull for the best foot massage.

  • Wireless and rechargeable

    Take your massage on the road, wherever! Do not worry about replacing batteries just plug it in and charge for carefree use.

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